Thursday, 17 November 2011

Everyone is gathered in Kerstyns kitchen. She has just made 4 cups of tea. Mike comes in and spies the drinks. 

Mike: Ahh is this one for me?

He leaves the room and Will, Isamaya's boyfriend enters the kitchen. He goes over and takes one of the four cups.

Mike comes back in and walks over to the 3 cups.

Mike: Where's my tea? 
He peers round at Will who is sipping the tea.
Mike: Ah. I see you've taken it. Just as I expected.
Will: So sorry Mike, didn't realise it was yours. There are 3 more teas over there.
Mike: Yes Will - but none of those are mine.

Later everyone is out at a bar. Will has just bought a beer for himself and sits down next to Isamaya.
Without hesitation, Mike leans over, stares at Will deadpan and downs Wills pint.
Isamaya is on holiday. She receives an urgent email from Mike.

Subject: Strange Strings

''Can u identify some nylon strings in a card in the bathroom? They are each about a foot long and have nylon fishing line at each end with a central fluffy bit about as thick as a matchstick, but very soft. Were they for cleaning with a brace or something similar? There's no name on them.''
Isamaya receives an email from Mike.

There's a few interesting ones here.

A major part of falling asleep seems to about switching off the internal chatter, at least about things including work that are bothering you.   Have a look at Quiet Ears - I might try that myself sometime. The warm milk thing is interesting.  In the past the use of milk based bedtime drinks for this purpose was very normal - horlicks, ovaltine etc.

Isamaya is trying to cross a very busy junction in London. She gets a call from Mike.

Isamaya: Hey Dad, can I call you back in 2 mins, just in the middle of a dangerous road.
Mike: If you must.

A minute later Isamaya calls back.

Isamaya: Hey dad!
Mike: Yes?
Isamaya: You called?
Mike: I did.