Tuesday 7 April 2009

Isamaya, Angela and Mike are having dinner with some neighbours.
After much procrastination, they all sit down to eat.

Mike: Oh bugger. I didn't bring over the mustard.
Isabel: Don't worry Mike. We don't need the mustard.
Mike: Of course we do! We're eating sausage.
Isabel: I've got mustard- would you like some of that?
Mike: No? I spent ages making a fresh batch last night. It's really good stuff.
Isabel: Fresh mustard! wow. well you must get it then.

Mike goes across the road to fetch the mustard. When he comes back, he plunks it down on the table.

Isabel: Such a yellow colour. How did you make it? Did you buy the mustard seeds.
Mike: No it's Colemans mustard powder. You just add water.

1 comment:

0.9 said...

I'm stealing this one.