Monday 2 February 2009

Isamaya has come home and is looking through a load of junk in the front room. She comes across her old BMX stunt bike she got when she was 10.
She tries to wheel it outside when she is confronted by Mike.

Mike: What do you think you're doing?
Isamaya: Look what I found!
Mike: You didn't find it. I've been guarding it.
Isamaya: Oh right. thanks. Well, I'm going to sell it, i recon i could get at least a hundred for it.
Mike: No you're not.
Isamaya: What?
Mike: You cant just take other peoples property and pawn it.
Isamaya: Er.. But it's my bike?
Mike: Who gave it to you.
Isamaya: You as a birthday present,
Mike: Quite.

Isamaya thinks about this.

Isamaya: So... What are you going to do with it?
Mike: I might like to ride it.

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